Acqua&Vento (3/3)

It was around the beginning of July that, after a brainstorming among the best (?) minds of the KCK, a perfect name for this seminar finally came out.

We believed it were important to provide a name to the event, because names are given to something you can care of. And us, we really care of Acqua&Vento. Even before it was born.

We’d also like it stayed a little longer in your hearts, in addition to your muscles (but there it’ll fade away soon, with lactic acid).

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Acqua&Vento (2/3)

Sensei Didier Lupo is an appreciated character here in Desio. The seminar Acqua&Vento 2021 will be his fifth appointment with us in six years.

During our last meeting in 2020 (there’d have been another lockdown within few days), sitting in front of an ice cream, he said:
«Even for us it ain’t been easy […] The whole Marseille was like a ghost city: you could hear the sirens, some delivery-trucks, but no more. None of my guys could come to the dojo, so for few weeks I was completely alone».

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Acqua&Vento (1/3)

«Sensei Kase was feeling ill, he’d got fever and it was pretty clear. But he was there, sitting on a chair somebody had brought for him… The day after, when they told us that Kase-sensei couldn’t come, resting in his bed, we all felt crestfallen. Well, after few minutes, among all those two hundreds and more people, one climbed on a table and, well visible, whistled to catch everybody’s attention. He subbed for Kase, literally carrying the whole seminar on his shoulders. That very day, my way to think about karate totally changed».

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Vedere oltre

C’è una bella differenza tra fare sport e arti marziali.

La notizia (di ieri, n.d.r.) è il rinvio delle Olimpiadi di Tokyo al 2021. Non era mai accaduto prima, in epoca moderna (cioè a partire dal 1896), con l’eccezione delle edizioni non disputate del 1916, 1940 e 1944 (vedi qui per un po’ di storia dei Giochi Olimpici). Questo per dire che l’epidemia di COVID-19 sta incidendo molto profondamente su ogni aspetto della vita sociale di tutti i cittadini del mondo.

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Perfect & Imperfections

With elderl—ahem!, maturity, you find out that one of the crucial points of karate-do is the beauty of imperfection. When you’re taught a technique, it is shown the same for anyone. But when you truly understand it, make it yours, it enhances with personal details and hues, which make it, formally, imperfect.

Yet its beauty is there, in the niceties which keep it one of a kind; like as an artisanal product, always different.

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Perfect & Imperfections

Con la vecch—ehm, cioè, con la maturità, si scopre che il punto nodale nel fare karate sta nella bellezza dell’imperfezione. Quando la tecnica, insegnata uguale per tutti, viene fatta propria, essa si arricchisce di particolari e sfumature personali che la rendono, formalmente, imperfetta.

Eppure, la sua bellezza sta proprio lì, nelle minuzie che la rendono unica; come un prodotto artigianale sempre diverso.

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