How-to (not to) nuke a uke

Unlike other martial arts (as judo, aikido or kendo), karate-do can be practiced in perfect loneliness.

Of course, for us karate is something pleasant, and pleasant things should be done (at least) in couple, thus today we talk about Uke!

Who’s that?! A Japanese grand-master?? Or a character from some anime?

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Acqua&Vento (4/3)… aftermath

A week has passed since Acqua&Vento seminar, and we’d like to make some cold reasoning.

Satisfaction was high, both from the technical side and the people side; the feedback we got from attendants generously paid back all the efforts for the organization.

A bit of chronicle…

Continue reading Acqua&Vento (4/3)… aftermath

Perfect & Imperfections

With elderl—ahem!, maturity, you find out that one of the crucial points of karate-do is the beauty of imperfection. When you’re taught a technique, it is shown the same for anyone. But when you truly understand it, make it yours, it enhances with personal details and hues, which make it, formally, imperfect.

Yet its beauty is there, in the niceties which keep it one of a kind; like as an artisanal product, always different.

Continue reading Perfect & Imperfections

Hello, salute

Since New Year has begun and we want to welcome it, I choose the salute as the topic of this post. Of course salute in martial arts: this is a karate-do website. It’d be weird to find something else, like as an article about the 100 most healthy recipes, wouldn’t it?

Ok, the starting point is a good place for a confession…

Continue reading Hello, salute

To be acknowledged as a sensei…

(thanks to:

When man has made his words shining, and when he’s not alone among the others, then he could be appointed as sensei and, need not to teach nor assert it, the others will respect him.

No paper can state who is sensei: he’ll be raised and honoured by the ones who’ll respect him.

And the man will never quit from being a sensei, because the only way to abandon is to discredit himself in the eyes of those who elected him.