Welcome on the webpage of the karatedo “Acqua&Vento” seminar, to be hold in Desio (MB) on September 18-19th 2021.
The seminar is open to all martial artists who are eager to come (just be over 14yo)!
Here you can find some interesting articles (we’re updating every week!):
Town Sport Centre, via G. Agnesi 133, 20832 Desio (MB), Italy

September 18-19th, 2021
- Saturday 18th: from 4:30pm to 8:00pm
- Sunday 19th: from 9:00am to 1:00pm
(info and registration)
(+39) 339 650 9100
(Mr. Riccardo Bruno)
According to Italian Government Rule Act D.L. 23/07/2021, n.105, you’ll be asked your Green Pass.

If you can’t display a valid Green Pass, you’ll be asked to have a PCR test at the registration. The test will be valid for the next 48 hours and have an extra-cost of 15.00 eur.
(non-Italian speakers can fill the forms at the reception)
That be the case, we ask you to be at reception earlier, about 30 minutes before registration begins (at 3:30pm on Sat, at 8am on Sun).
Everybody ought to sign a self-certification for later tracking, whenever needed:
Non-Italian speakers can fill the forms at the reception.
You must always carry with you your individual protection devices (such as masks) and personal product for hygienization (as hand-gel, tissues…), even if organization will provide them for each attendant.
If you chose to have a a PCR test before registration (results will display in about 8 minutes) and you’re found positive, the following procedure holds:
- you’ll be isolated and notified to Health Authority for further testing;
- we’re sorry but you won’t be allowed to attend the seminar, being in temporary isolation;
- if you have already paid the admission fee, a refund won’t be possible, but we will acknowledge a bonus ticket for next KCK event.
For registration, please send an email to:
or call:
(+39) 339 650 9100 (Mr. Riccardo Bruno)
Admission fee is € 50.00 but discounts will be applied in case of bank wire’s payment. Please contact us for further informations.
Saturday 18th:
- 4.00pm Attendants’ registration
- 4.30pm Session beginning with Daniele Boffelli sensei (break from 6.00pm to 6.10pm)
- 8.00pm Saturday’s session ending
- 8.45pm Dinner with Boffelli sensei and Lupo sensei, executive commitee and anyone who’d like to… recover their lost calories!
Sunday 19th:
- 8.30am Attendants’ registration
- 9.00am Session beginning with Didier Lupo sensei (break from 10.30am to 10.40am)
- 1.00pm Session ending, lunch-break and final greetings.
Thank for reading,
see you soon!
KCK Staff